Didn't I Tell You?

This isn't the blog you're looking for.

However, since you're here, I might as well tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there were the Dead Fear Group.

Have you heard of them?

They took great influence from the pretentious duo of Archangard and Magreat.

Eventually they grew enough in prominence that Arkngard and Magreat were assimilated into the Dead Fear Group.

Rumour has it that Archangard and Magreat run the show in the Dead Fear Group; perhaps you've seen a few DFG blogs which emulated the style of Arkngard and Magreat's Fear series.

Whatever the outcome, though, Dead Fear Group have been quiet lately.

Word on the street is that something big is coming, however.

You've seen it, haven't you?

It started with this.